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Do Hashtags Work on LinkedIn? Tips for Creators

It is estimated that in 2024, LinkedIn will have more than 770 million users. As one of the top 10 social media networks, it’s the place where people go to network, learn and find work. While some users enjoy posting casual personal content on LinkedIn, a majority of the posts are business related and not for mere entertainment. As such, the way hashtags are used on LinkedIn is slightly different than other social media networks.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of using hashtags on your LinkedIn content and provide you with some tips and tricks to make them work for you.

LinkedIn Hashtags

On LinkedIn, a hashtag is the same standard pound symbol followed by a word or phrase without spaces that you see on other networks. Hashtags are used in social media posts because they help users find content they are interested in. For example, if someone is looking for information related to veterinary medicine, they could type in #veterinary in the LinkedIn search field and see a variety of posts with that hashtag. Hashtags can also be helpful for hyperlocal searches such as content related to veterinarians in the Austin area by using #AustinVeterinarian. However you use them, the consensus is that hashtags on LinkedIn are worth the effort and good to include in your content.

Here are some tips on the best way to use hashtags on LinkedIn.

Hashtag Placement

When deciding where to place your hashtags on your LinkedIn content, experts recommend using them at the end of the post, not woven within the content as they can be distracting. Think about hashtags on your LinkedIn content operating as file folder labels.

Be Intentional with Hashtags

When posting fun content for entertainment purposes only, you may want to use a fun hashtag like #TheDogMadeMeDoIt. In this case, the hashtag is used more for expression than for function. On LinkedIn, since most of the content is purposeful with a targeted business objective, hashtags tend to function more like labels to organize content. When deciding which hashtag to use, be intentional with what message you want to convey and who you want to attract to your profile. Another consideration with your hashtag selection is using a variety of general and specific hashtags to cast a wider net of readers.

Profile Hashtags

Unlike some other social media networks, on LinkedIn you can use hashtags in your profile if you are in Creator Mode. The benefit of turning on Creator Mode is that it can help you grow your reach and influence while connecting you with others in your industry. For LinkedIn profiles in creator mode, users can select up to five hashtags to include in their profile. Read this article to learn more what creator mode on LinkedIn entails and if it is something.

Create a Hashtag for Your Brand

One element that makes LinkedIn stand apart from other social media apps is the focus on you, the professional. LinkedIn profiles are designed to put all of your accomplishments, skills and professional networks on display. As you build and grow your own personal brand, create a unique hashtag for yourself and use it on your content.


Understanding how and where to use hashtags is the first part to creating effective content for social media. Another consideration is selecting which hashtags you want to follow so you can see relevant content and connect with people in your field. Follow hashtags related to your field and expertise as well as hashtags related to your current career phase.

Sticking with the veterinary example above, if you are someone interested in or currently working in the veterinary field, you would select hashtags such as #veterinary and #vetmed to follow. If you are a veterinarian looking for work, you may want to add #opentowork as a hashtag in your profile.

Now with the question, “Do I really need to be using hashtags on my LinkedIn content?” answered, it’s time to spark some intelligent conversations with your posts. Planoly  makes planning LinkedIn content so easy, saving time and maximizing content performance.

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Allie Teegardin

Allie Teegardin is a contributing writer at PLANOLY. As a writer, adjunct professor, and baker, she makes sure to add value to whatever she creates.

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Do Hashtags Work on LinkedIn? Tips for Creators
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